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Support for the ISO-standard PDF 2.0 document format & in the content

Create and assemble PDFs that are compatible with the ISO PDF 2.0 file format

Turn paper to PDF with one click

Create PDF files directly from your scanner. Scan to standard image, searchable or editable PDF format. You can even scan and highlight, cross out or underline in a single step.

Collect information from forms

Don’t let the hassle of filling out long forms slow down your business. FormTyper™ automatically converts non-fillable forms into fillable PDF forms that you can complete, save, and email.

Create PDF files from virtually any PC application

Create PDF files from any PC application that can print. Instantly create 100% industry-standard PDF files with security options that are fully compliant and compatible with all PDF viewers. You can even add bookmarks and transfer hyperlinks when creating PDF documents.

Produce professional-looking documents

Deliver documents that look as good in print as they do on screen—no matter where you send or view them. Combine any type of file and/or folder into striking PDF Portfolios—with attractive cover pages that guide your audience—that can be viewed with any popular PDF reader.

Never retype another document

Accurately convert PDF files to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Corel WordPerfect documents with columns, tables and graphics intact.

Combine and assemble documents with ease

Simply drag and drop to combine, remove or replace Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, JPG, BMP, TIF, or XPS pages and files within a PDF.


Get word-processing capabilities in your PDF

Advanced editing functionality converts PDF files into dynamic PDF documents with all the tools necessary to annotate, markup, secure and compress PDF plus additional features only available from Nuance for document conversion, search, connectivity and more.

Share multiple files – no zipping necessary

Combine files of multiple types into a PDF without changing the original file type. Microsoft Office users can view and edit documents directly within a PDF Portfolio.

Perform smarter searches

Perform intelligent “Looks Like” search to quickly find content, like phone numbers, email addresses and Social Security numbers, via an alphanumeric pattern.

Side-by-side document comparison

Quickly identify differences between two versions of a document with a side-by-side comparison tool that accurately highlights changes in text and visuals and provides a summary report of all changes.

Voice-controlled note taking

Integrated Dragon® Notes speech recognition allows you to quickly and accurately capture notes within your PDF files by speaking them instead of using the keyboard.

Collaborate with your team in real time

Create, share and review documents with other Power PDF Standard users in real time via IM or voice chat. PDF editor online for Windows, Android and MAC

Use and create PDF forms

PDF forms are everywhere and Power PDF lets you fill them in, edit them and convert them like never before. Share your information and sign forms right in Power PDF. And FormTyper™ automatically converts non-fillable forms into fillable PDF forms that you can complete, save and email.


Ease of Use with different selectable color-skin

Power PDF now lets you change the interface to the color that suits you best. Choose from blue, light gray, dark gray or the familiar purple. You may also now choose to view documents in separate tabs inside one Power PDF window, or to view each document in a separate Power PDF window.

Ease of use-Tabbed Document Viewing

Allow multiple documents to be opened within a single window & displayed In “tabs” , as with all modern browsers

Restrict folder access

Comply with internal policies and safeguard document privacy by restricting certain folders and granting access to authorized users only

PDF self-sign digital signature

Protect documents by easily adding your digital signature. The tool will also identify the signed version of a document when you are comparing it to an older or updated version.

Secure private data

Automatically inspect documents and remove sensitive data or flatten document items, including signatures, stamps, annotations, filled form fields and graphics, for enhanced document security.

Preview PDF email attachments

Get an instant visual preview of PDF email attachments in Microsoft Outlook without having to open them. PDF editing software for MAC, Windows and Android

Connect to the cloud

Now you can save and access your stored documents in the Cloud by connecting directly to Box, Google Docs™, Windows Live® SkyDrive®, Office 365, Evernote® and Dropbox. This gives you access to your documents anytime, anywhere through the web or supported mobile devices.

Enhance document security

Add passwords with secure 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption and permission controls to PDF files to control document viewing, printing and modifications.


PDF editor online for Mac, Windows as well as Android in word documents and also different formats in very easy and simple way in few clicks by Power PDF, authorized organization located in Mumbai, India since 2000 to individual, professionals and industries. PDF editor for Windows, Mac and Android available free download trial with online assistants. PDF editing software for Android, Mac and Windows operating systems with safe, easy and simple use to edit files without painful retyping and multiple clicks. Smart and user friendly PDF editing software for windows, Android and Mac with multiple free features including edit, write, convert and create PDF files. We also offer free demo and supportive staff available 24x7 to assist in all phase.




Power PDF Standard makes it easy for businesses to gain control over PDF documents and advanced workflows. The new PDF Standard 5 has even better abilities to create, convert, edit, assemble, sign, fill forms, and securely share so you get more done, your teams work better, and the IT folks can stay focused on the enterprise. 


Features Power PDF 5 Power PDF 4 Power PDF 3 Power PDF 2
3D Support 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
PDF/A-4 Support Circle Tick 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
Fuzzy Search 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
Chrome Extension 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
Power PDF Mobile App 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
SignDoc Integration 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
Dynamic Stamping 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
Powerful PDF editing anywhere 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
Easy-to-use, Office-style interface optimized for Windows 10 & 11 and touchscreen devices. 2 removebg preview 2 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview
Create and compile PDF files from almost any document or file type, including multiple files into a single PDF. 5 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview
Easily convert PDF files to other formats including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, images and more. 5 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview
Convert JPG files to PDF or convert PDF to JPG. 5 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview
Edit and enhance PDF documents to change text, pictures, add annotations, apply stamps and more. 5 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview
Digital and stamp-based signatures for PDF documents. 5 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
Sign and send PDFs for signature using DocuSign® and Kofax SignDoc. 5 removebg preview 4 removebg preview 1 removebg preview 1 removebg preview
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